Xi Wang | 王茜
You can get to know me more through following links!

I’m a first-year Master’s student in the Interdisciplinary Intelligent Graphics Group (IIGG) at Jilin University, happily guided by the Associate Professor Xi Yang.

I graduated from Jilin University in 2023 with a Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering. My research interests focus on the computer vision and image processing. Right now, I’m working on image generation tasks with diffusion models. If you’re also interested in this exciting work and looking for any kind of academic collaboration, let’s team up and become research buddies! Feel free to contact me at qianwang23@mails.jlu.edu.cn.


  • [2024/04/20] 🔥 FilterPrompt: Guiding Image Transfer in Diffusion Models. Project Page.

We propose FilterPrompt, an approach to enhance the model control effect. It can be universally applied to any diffusion model, allowing users to adjust the representation of specific image features in accordance with task requirements, thereby facilitating more precise and controllable generation outcomes.


  • Sep. 2023 - Jun. 2026: Studying at IIGG, supervised by Xi Yang
  • Sep. 2019 - Jun. 2023: Graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from College of Software, Jilin University.